
How Should I Store Cake After Decorating It

Simone spent a year working at a famous cupcake shop where she learned from the experts.

The best way to store a cake to keep it fresh.

The best way to store a cake to keep it fresh.

Cake storage is not the clear-cut process you thought it was, believe me. As a lifelong cake aficionado and fangirl, I thought I knew everything there was to know about cake preparation and storage. But I was wrong.

When I spent about a year working at a famous Washington, D.C. cupcake shop and learning from the experts, I acquired a great deal of knowledge about the less-than-obvious process of successful cake storage.

Below, I shall share my insider knowledge on how to store cakes. I'll dispel the myths, share my secrets, and help you decide on how to best store a cake based on your estimated time of eating.

Why You Shouldn't Refrigerate Your Cake

I always used to refrigerate cake, probably because we (at least in the U.S.) have been conditioned to believe that all things are kept "fresh" in the refrigerator. For many years, I believed that this was a good practice, not only because one generally puts things in the refrigerator but also because I frequently see cakes displayed in refrigerators and refrigerated cases in many cafes and restaurants.

My entire belief system was turned upside down when I had my first day of work at a famous DC cupcake shop. When I asked them how to store some of the cupcakes I was taking home at the end of the night and suggested refrigeration in an airtight container, they looked at me like I had just proposed we cook and eat a newborn baby.

This is because my coworkers and bosses took cake and cupcakes very seriously. And because refrigeration is a dreadful thing to inflict on a perfectly good cake.

Why? Refrigeration dries sponge cakes out. It's that simple.

Even if you refrigerate a cake in a perfectly sealed container and only for a short amount of time, it will dry out. The only time it is appropriate to refrigerate a cake is if it has decorative buttercream icing that is literally melting (and in this case, appearance trumps taste) or if it is not a sponge cake and rather a cheesecake or some sort of mousse that does require refrigeration.

Try to think of sponge cake like bread. After all, the two things are quite similar. Do you put your bread in the fridge? No. So don't put your cake in the fridge either!

So How Should I Store Cake?

Since refrigeration is out of the question, you might be wondering what your options are. Let me first introduce the two best short-term options:

1. Bake it and eat it!

Most sponge cakes are at their prime when freshly baked, so if possible, eat cakes the day they are made. If you are going to a bakery to get cake, check with them to see what their advice is regarding timing. Some bakeries—such as the cupcake shop at which I worked—have a very strict policy of baking cakes fresh every day. This is very labor-intensive but it also means that you'll get the freshest, best cake possible.

If the bakery from which you procure cakes bakes them ahead of time and gives them to you a day later (or, god forbid, two days later), walk away.

If a bakery refrigerates sponge cakes, run away.

The best, freshest cakes are positively irresistible, so storage won't be so much of an issue. They'll be gone before you know it!

2. Store at room temperature in an airtight container.

If you bake or buy a freshly-baked cake one night with plans to serve it the following day, you should be fine with storing it in its box or in a sealed plastic container in a cool, dark corner of your kitchen counter.

If you want to be particularly diligent about keeping your cake fresh, store it in a positively airtight container. If it came in a nice cardboard box that you don't want to undo, wrap the box in plastic wrap. If you made the cake, seal it in a plastic cake storage container.

Store your cake at room temperature and keep it out of the direct sun and away from any major heat sources that might melt the icing.

Keep your cake boxed on the counter for up to three days.

Keep your cake boxed on the counter for up to three days.

How Do I Store Cakes for Longer Periods?

A sponge cake can be stored in a sealed, airtight container at room temperature for about three days. I have friends who have nommed on a cake for up to five days.

Freeze for longterm storage.

If you know that you want to serve a cake more than three days after its baking, seal it in an airtight container and freeze it. When you're ready to eat it, let thaw it slowly at room temperature.

Freezing helps seal the moisture in, whereas refrigerating dries things out. The area of any cake that is most negatively impacted by freezing is the icing, as icing does not thaw out looking as perky as it did when it was first applied. That said, freezing results in a far more tasty cake than one that has gone stale and dry—either at room temperature or in a refrigerator.

Sealed containers are best.

Sealed containers are best.


Will cake mold if left out?

If you're worried about cakes getting moldy, don't. I've kept cupcakes around to see what happens to them, and they don't grow mould. They just dry out and harden. They actually become rather cute fossils that make for excellent projectile weapons. Nobody would expect a cupcake to be as hard as a rock, which makes your attack all the more surprising and wonderfully painful.

How to store cake with buttercream frosting?

A cake iced with buttercream frosting can be stored out, at room temperature, for about two days. After that, it does require refrigeration. If you must refrigerate, place the cake in an airtight container.

What about cheesecake or mousse cake?

The high content of dairy in these types of desserts does require refrigeration. Put them in the fridge soon after you're done eating, especially in warm weather.

How to store a cake overnight?

Most cakes will do fine left in the bakery box on the kitchen counter. You can wrap the outside of the box with plastic wrap for extra moisture retention. You can also use an airtight container.

Deshaj on August 10, 2020:

All thing is wright but what is the perfect temperature to preserve cake in refrigerator please share

Cake on August 03, 2020:

What about cream cakes? How do you stote the cake and stop the butter in the cake going hard?

Janisa from Earth on June 29, 2020:

Great tips, but I think that it definitely depends on the type of cake. There are some cakes that I like to bake that taste much better chilled. However, I'll keep these tips in mind the next time I prepare a sponge cake

Lynsie on March 08, 2020:

Should I freeze a wedding brandy iced fruit cake, with a smear of jam and iced with rolled icing?

I fea4 it growing mould in 2 months.

The house is low to mid 20's celceus in Australia.

Liza from USA on January 21, 2020:

I have been baking a lot of cakes. Sometimes, I found it's a challenge to obtain the cake stays fresh. Most of the time, I place the cake in the fridge and take it out for a moment before cut it a slice and eat it. Thank you for your tips! on November 27, 2019:

I want to know the different kinds of cakes and their procedures.

Amy on August 30, 2019:

I have been trying to research how to store cakes/cupcakes with fruit fillings. I usually cook my fruit filling and make it into a compote or jam. Would these be one of the instances where the cake should be refrigerated? I have been reading mixed comments about cooked fillings in cakes and whether refrigeration is required.

Delta on August 15, 2018:

When I make a cake I cover it in icing and store it in the fridge. It lasts about ten days that way.

It does go a little dry by the end but it's still OK.. I take slices alternately, left, right, left, right so the part of the cake that's exposed to the air is even.

Freezing and defrosting seems like too much hard work.

Mary Norton from Ontario, Canada on June 13, 2018:

I seldom have cakes for dessert as our family prefers other desserts but sometimes, I like having some around for teas so much of it goes back to the fridge. No wonder, we often just throw it. Now, I know I can freeze it so I can bake some again.

Robert Kernodle on April 03, 2018:

I have never noticed the taste destruction or drying mentioned in this article. I bake cakes regularly, eat them, and refrigerate them in cake carriers.

I have kept them alive and actively being eaten for two weeks or more in the refrigerator.

If I knew that I had only a three-day window to consume one or that I would have to plan to thaw before eating, then I doubt that I would bake cakes.

In other words, I guess I disagree with the pros, or else I have no taste. (^_^)

Naomi on March 17, 2018:


If I bake and freeze a cake a couple of days before frosting it with royal or butter cream would it frost as well or would I have problems with it?? Can anyone help??


Bee Gianni on February 17, 2018:

I would love to have your recipe for that beautiful rainbow cake.

Maria Cecilia from Philippines on January 12, 2018:

I am also a cake fan girl and I was just thinking to buy my favorite caramel cake this morning, this is a good advice, good thing about me is, cake never really stayed that long at my home hahha, but seriously cake should be gone as soon as possible..

Katt on December 23, 2017:

I know you said never to put ait the fridge but what do I do if it's cream filled and can't be covered? :/ I'm freaking out so much the cake is to be picked up in the morning and I want it to stay fresh as possible!

Janice on December 18, 2017:

I am sending a dry cake without any icing to Canada from India for a friend .

The couriers say 5-6 days without refrigeration or freezing. Will my cake last?? Also is it ok if I put a layer of melted chocolate over it

Sally on November 27, 2017:

Please after the cake stored in an air tight container and refrigerated when brought out for eating can it be microwaved to heat it a little

Fifie on October 17, 2017:

Hi, I would like to know whether there is anything added to wedding cakes to make them last longer?

pls how do i store a day cake without fridge. on October 04, 2017:

pls how do i store a day cake without fridge.

Freezing and unfreezing printed cakes on September 06, 2017:

Hi there.

Im freez cakes all the time but have a order for a printed cake that will only be eaten 4 days after delivery. I have atemted to refregirate and it made bubbles under the print. I also freezed a test cake and if freezed wonderfully but when i defrosted it bubbles apeard. How to a avoid this. The cake will be decorated with buttercream an a printed picure. I normally put the picture on fondant first.

Mary on July 27, 2017:

Thank you so much. I was making cupcakes ahead to take to party's the next day. So I would put them in the frig to stiffen the frosting for travel. My sister would leave my beautiful cupcakes out after we got there and I would be upset. : )

No more! Thank You.

Rpickering on June 11, 2017:

Hi Simone!

I am making a first birthday cake for a birthday party that is on a Tuesday. However, I will be going on vacation the Friday before so I need to make the cake the Thursday before and deliver it on Friday. Would you suggest telling the client to leave the cake on the counter at room temperature out of the sunlight, or would freezing it in an airtight container be better? Or neither...will it still taste ok with either of these options? I've never made a cake and decorated it this far out before.

Thank you so much! I really appreciate your response as I just don't want the client to be disappointed with the taste or look of a 5 day old cake..

Patricia White on May 31, 2017:

Is it ok to use flour from the fridge for a victoria sponge

Jan mok on May 16, 2017:

Thank you for sharing your knowledge. Definitely non refrigerated cakes do taste better however where i love its very hot and I've noticed that my cakes keep for only 3 days in room temperature until it starts to stale. Any idea what room temperature is ideal? As i can turn on the aircondition but would this dry out my fondant cake if its unboxed or should i box it anyway to be safe?

JOANN on May 09, 2017:



Wilfred Yeo on April 29, 2017:


Ella on March 10, 2017:

I still keep mine in the fridge.

yakira on January 25, 2017:

hi, so I usually store the cake the same night I bake it in the fridge because it makes it easier to crumb coat the next day, now I'm thinking I will skip the fridge part. but I will be making a cake with cream cheese filling and buttercream so I should probably put it in the fridge for the cream cheese. here's my question is it OK for the buttercream to sit out on the counter with cake?

Bakery snob on December 18, 2016:

I worked at a famous bakery too, and while I agree with you on literally everything else, I don't agree on the "cake must be baked same day" policy. At the bakery I worked at, the cakes literally needed to sit for a whole day to gain maximum moisture. Our policy was NEVER eat same day because during the cooling process and early icing phase, the cakes would lose their moisture. If you ice same day they are not as moist as if you bake, immediately wrap in warranty wrap, sit for a day, then ice the next day. The moisture level is literally night and day. To say that you should RUN from bakeries whose cakes bake a day or two in advance is bad advice. Our bakery had a really good turn around rate of a couple hours after being decorated for getting gobbled up by customer, so we had the luxury of everything being literally fresh baked, but iced cakes can sit up to 5 days unrefrigerated and still look and taste top notch. While I'll admit that I think all top bakeries turn their bakers and decorators into baking snobs, I'm sorry you are wrong on this one. Icing too early yeilds dry cake just as much as refrigerating does. Just not as bad. Give it a try, let your cake bake, instantly Seram wrap, let the moisture from the heat turn the cake super moist, then ice the next day. You'll find the tase superior.

Sarah on November 03, 2016:

Me to I'm making 6 sponges now it's Thursday morning to decorate Saturday. Should I freeze or airtight container ?

Karen on November 02, 2016:

When I make cakes ahead of time for giving at a later date (like holiday gifts) or shipping them to friends, I freeze the cakes. When they thaw or even slightly frozen, they taste great. I'm speaking mainly of pound cakes with a light glaze of butter, sugar and flavoring. However I checked your site when i was making a cake on a Wednesday night for a birthday gift on Friday morning. I didn't think it would be as good if I froze for such a short time, so I put it in an air tight plastic cake holder and am hoping for the best...was that the best course of action?

Con on August 17, 2016:

I made a pound cake for a party. Found out it was canceled for a week . How should I store it or can I?

Adrienne on July 16, 2016:

A sponge cake is one which the egg whites are separated from the yolks. The whites are beaten til stiff peaks form. The yolks are beaten til light color flour added and then folded into egg whites. What you are calling sponge cake is a butter cake. A sponge cake is similar to a angel cake except the whole egg is usef in the sponge.

Gail on July 15, 2016:

Should I keep cupcakes in iced in frigator when tacking somewhere tomorrow & frost there?

dilshade anooar on September 14, 2015:

Hi I have just finish decorating a cake but I did put filling this morning it was long life cream n jam but I don't have space in the fridge coz it's such a big cake ..can I leave it out until tomorrow

Michelle on August 05, 2015:

Excellent post. But one question though. For displaying bake products, which is bette, the Dry display showcase or the refrigerated display showcas? Thanks so much for your advice.

Remmy on June 23, 2015:

what is the cake preservative

Sam on March 24, 2015:

I put my sponge cake in refrigerator two days ago I need to take it to my friend house after five days I don't know what. To do

Alexandra R on February 05, 2015:


I strongly feel this way as well, I hate refridgerated cupcakes!!! So my question is... I am going to be selling my cupcakes in a coffee shop and I will not be there all day but I will come in the mornings to restocke, what should we do with cupcakes that do not sell at the end of the night?

Jenn on May 07, 2014:

Hi Simone,

Teriffic post! :) who knew!

I actually purchased a cake yesterday and hurried home placing it in the refrigerator over night, I'm planning to store the cake for up to 3 days, its a vanilla sponge cake covered in fondant icing. After reading your post i placed the cake in the airtight container at room temperature.

Would the sponge already have started to dry up from refrigerating?

Linda Lum from Washington State, USA on March 21, 2014:

Simone - Thanks for a great hub! I have always stored cake in the refrigerator, because it just seemed like the right thing to do. I appreciate hearing from a professional on how it should be done. Voted up.

Esther Strong from UK on February 06, 2014:

This is good to know. I too store just about everything in the fridge! Thank you for sharing your knowledge on this subject.

ann englis on December 28, 2013:

my sourcream cake was baked monday still has some on table is it still good to eat. please Rsp

Amanda Bennett from Nova Scotia on November 06, 2013:

I'm glad someone said it, lol. It frustrates me more, than when someone puts my cake in the fridge. They think I'm weird!!

Adrian Cloute from Cedartown, GA on September 05, 2013:

I always feel like I have problem with storing cakes. I Loose so much of the quality of the cake when I store my cakes. Thanks for the help and the advice! Voted up!

Sarah on August 14, 2013:

Great advice. I never put cake or cupcakes in the refrigerator, and always try to bake and eat. However, if I can't make cupcakes the day I am serving them I make them the night before. I let them cool for 1-2 hours, and then put them in an airtight container in a cool dark place. I pride myself in my moist cupcakes and they are definitely moist. The problem I run into is they sweat and get oily. This does not effect the taste but it effects the cupcake liner and if I frost ahead of time the frosting as well. I don't like it at all, but can not figure out how to avoid this. Any advice? Thanks!

AshM on July 12, 2013:

Really helpful post...just stumbled on a local bakery that's only open 3/7, so.....

maxwell martyn on May 21, 2013:

Hi fellow cake lovers, just a quickie, I bought two cakes earlier from the store, forgetting they needed to be defrosted before eating. First cake, I tried defrosting in the microwave, obviously a fail. Second cake; removed from packaging and left in the fridge, will my cake slide and make a mess all over my fridge? Please help :):):)

Simone Haruko Smith (author) from San Francisco on May 20, 2013:

Sorry for taking too long to respond, ruppster02! Though I imagine my advice comes too late, I recommend freezing the cakes (unfrosted), wrapped in plastic wrap, and very securely sealed. I would not ice the thawed cakes until they have fully returned to room temperature.

That said, it is ideal if the cake can just be made the day of. It might even be worth just using boxed mixes if you're in a rush- folks really can't tell the difference unless you have a very unique signature recipe with which others are already familiar.

ruppster02 on May 06, 2013:

This is a great article! Lots of good advice that i never knew about. I actually came online to see if i should/could freeze a cake, not frosted, till friday. Im making a baby shower cake for saturday, 5 days away, and made the cakes today, should i freeze then till friday when i plan to decorate?/ how should i wrap them?? thanks :)

Simone Haruko Smith (author) from San Francisco on April 04, 2013:

Hi Jasper,

Since the humidity is so high in your area, it sounds as though you don't have a choice but to use a refrigerated display! It sounds as though the temperatures are not so low as to really dry out your cakes, though I would still try to not leave them there for too long- the sooner they sell (and are consumed), the better!

Jasper on April 01, 2013:

Thank you for this great advice, however I have a specific question: I am about to buy a small 1-metre in length refrigerated display case for my Italian cafe with the hope to put in cupcakes/muffins/choc cake & tiramisu cups etc. The display model is actually called a 'cake display' and sits at 9-degrees celcius & 12-degrees-celcius. I live in tropical Australia where humidity is high and the display cabinet is not inside in air-con, it is an open-fronted shop so I can't have my cakes out in the humid air. So, after all that background, and I am not asking you if I should buy this display cake or not (!), but in your experience, if the cakes are sitting in this display with the temp range between 9-degrees celcius & 12-degrees celcius, then they shouldn't go all hard and dry as they would in a fridge that is 4-degrees celcius and under, and how you describe, right? I await your thoughts, and thanks again for your contribution here. Jasper

Simone Haruko Smith (author) from San Francisco on February 19, 2013:

Same way- just try to serve the cake quickly after icing it. You might even consider icing it right before serving, even if you bake the cake ahead of time.

Rabel on February 14, 2013:

But how do we store a cake with whipped cream or creamcheese on it?

Simone Haruko Smith (author) from San Francisco on January 24, 2013:

Nothing beats the "bake fresh and EAT" method, ExpectGreatThings! Glad I've brought an end to your refrigeration habits. :D

ExpectGreatThings from Illinois on January 23, 2013:

Now I am craving cake. And I'm certain that I would store it with the "bake fresh and EAT" method :). I confess that I'm guilty of refrigerating cakes. I will never do it again. Thank you for writing this hub!

Simone Haruko Smith (author) from San Francisco on January 18, 2013:

Wow, that's intense, Jessica! I suppose in those conditions, you have no choice but to do so! Try to make the cake as close to serving it as possible, so as to minimize refrigeration time.

Jessica on January 16, 2013:

Hi! I live in country with a tropical weather that is a 100° almost everyday and the buttercream melts at room temperature, in this case should I refrigerate the cupcakes? thanks

Lauren on December 04, 2012:

Hi! I need to store a cake for 4 days. Which way do you prefer to keep it fresh, room temperature or freezing? I'm only gonna store it for 4 days.


Simone Haruko Smith (author) from San Francisco on November 13, 2012:

I'm so glad you've found this Hub to be useful, lmonkerdz! Thanks for reading. :D

lemonkerdz from LIMA, PERU on November 12, 2012:

Hey there. Thanks a lot for this great hub. From my very first job as a baker to a passionate home baker, I found this very useful. And so so true. Cake in the fridge is a BAD idea. Thanks again.

Ruby on September 21, 2012:

hi simeone i was so glad that i've read your advice on how t store cakes and cupcake. i am g to open my cupcake store soon my problem is i already bought a cake chiller for my cupcakes. I thought that its a good idea to store them in a chiller.. what can you advice? thanks

Rachell on July 29, 2012:

I found a recipe that said to refrigerate the cake for 2hrs (after poking holes & applying lemon glaze) & then frost...will the cake be ok for my coworkers tomorrow?

Simone Haruko Smith (author) from San Francisco on July 06, 2012:

I would put them in a sealed container and leave them at room temperature.

Sierra on May 30, 2012:

So I am making cupcakes for my brothers graduation party in on Friday. I am making three batches of minis and since time is cramped because of schooling, I don't have time to make them in one day. Would you suggest me freezing them so that they stay fresh or just letting them sit out on the counter until its served on Friday night?

Simone Haruko Smith (author) from San Francisco on May 29, 2012:

Yikes Nichole Martin- sorry I didn't check my comments earlier. I hope everything came out OK!

Thanks for the kind words Thelma Alberts! Glad to know we have the same approach- it does seem to be the best way to go, though I'm surprised by the number of bakeries that refrigerate their goods.

Wow Andrea, that six layer rainbow cake sounds like da bomb! If you were to do the same cake again, I'd recommend wrapping each layer in plastic wrap if you need to store it over night before icing. The icing can protect the cake from dryness for a while, maybe, but the best thing is to avoid refrigeration altogether- unless you think the icing is going to melt away in the heat, of course!

Andrea on May 27, 2012:

Wow, what a fabulous article! I wish I had read this 2 months ago when I made a 6 layer rainbow cake and I needed to store the layers overnight. A local baker told me to refrigerate the layers so the cake was cold and the icing warm when icing it the next day. The only problem is my cake got very dry. Do you have any suggestions should I do the same cake again? Also, how long does it take for cake to dry out in the fridge? Today I iced a cake and put it inside the fridge in it's covered cake platter and was paranoid it was going to get dry. Should icing stop the dryness at least for a while? Loved your article!

Thelma Alberts from Germany on May 24, 2012:

Hi Simone! This is a great information to share. I have been working for many years before in a cafeteria, who were making their own cakes and breads here in Germany and it was there I learned how to bake, store cakes and breads. Just the way you have written here. Voted up and useful.

Nichole Martin on May 23, 2012:

I made pancake cupcakes with candied bacon in center and peanut butter maple buttercream at about 6 pm. I put them in an airtight comtainer. Should i put the fridge because they are for tomorrow or will the bacon be ok?

Simone Haruko Smith (author) from San Francisco on May 23, 2012:

Ah well, I bet they're still yummy! And you'll know to avoid doing that next time!

sandy on May 19, 2012:

Hi Simone...unfortunately I read this brilliant article after baking red velvet cupcakes and putting them in fridge for storage. Needless to say they are hard and dry this this morning. Will they regain some of the pre-refridgeration texture if left out of the fridge now.

Simone Haruko Smith (author) from San Francisco on April 30, 2012:

Hey Taryn! I would try to order the smallest fruit cakes you possibly can, since they don't freeze so well. Or share them with more friends!

Sharon49, if you're keeping your cakes to the next day, you might be required to refrigerate them. I don't know quite how food regulations go. At the cupcake shop where I worked, all that was not sold that day was discarded.

You're on your own, ravi dutta! I'm afraid I only have tips on storing cucpcakes- no particularly special recipes.

ravi dutta on April 28, 2012:

hey hi

hello me wanna opena bakery shop plz helpme to start gave me recepies about bakery shop

Sharon49 on April 18, 2012:

Hi. I just opened a cupcake shop where I also bake sugar cookies, brownies, biscotti, macaroons, etc. I've been putting my cupcakes in the fridge at night when I leave. There is a bakery display case in the shop that is not working and I had scheduled to have it repaired. Am I to understand that I do not need to have it fixed because my cupcakes/cookies/brownies, etc. are best at room temperature? What about when it's hot outside? Our shop is slow right now due to its location and newness, so, how long are my cupcakes "safe" for consumption? Thanks!

Taryn on April 15, 2012:

Thanks so much, Simone! What about a cake with a fresh fruit filling? Or any fruit filling? With only my husband and I (and many dieters at the office) we don't always finish a cake in one go. Also, does it matter if the icing is made from butter rather than shortening? I've also seen some icing recipes call for eggs. I'm a little new to the homemade cake thing. Thanks for all your help!

Lisa on April 15, 2012:

Hi, Simone. I made spongecake for an event at work which I thought was tomorrow (Monday) but is actually this coming Friday, due to a change in plans. The layers are for a tres leches cake. I didn't ice them yet, thank goodness. Would it be ok for me to freeze the layers in an airtight container and thaw them Thursday evening? I wouldn't want them to taste too horrific.

Simone Haruko Smith (author) from San Francisco on April 13, 2012:

Yeah Kaila, it seems as though much attention goes into prep and much less into preservation! Then again, the "masters" all assume that desserts are to be consumed just hours after they've been prepared (for the most part) and this is of course ideal. :D

Kaila on April 10, 2012:

Very informative, thank you. I recently went to a local bakery and ordered a coconut cupcake. It was so hard and dry, I couldn't even cut it with a butter knife. When I told one of the employees that the cupcake was dry she said, "oh, there's nothing wrong with the cupcake, it's just cold because it's refrigerated." I guess the baker was not in class when the teacher taught them "how to store cakes".

Simone Haruko Smith (author) from San Francisco on April 06, 2012:

Smart move, Cynthia! And icing cupcakes at the venue will indeed be a good move. It'll make the transfer FAR less stressful!

cynthia on April 05, 2012:

Thanks for the advice. I have a cupcake order for a wedding and the bride wants four different but flavors. I am so glad I can make a couple days ahead and store in an airtight container. I live in a two bedroom apartment and the fridge is the not the normal size....storing the cupcakes as you suggested leaves more room to store the cream cheese icing....I plan to ice the cupcakes at the venue....thanks again...^_^

Nica on April 01, 2012:

WOW.. very informative topic ma'am. very helpful because i'm a newbie in baking.

I used to bake cake and refrigerate(chillers) it overnight. I found it more tasty but I got your point on drying out the sponge. Should the freezing make the trick?

Cho on March 24, 2012:

My god, this, was an amazing piece of writing and source of information. Made me laugh too. Thankyou soo much :D x

beth on March 24, 2012:

this is helpful to me and i appreciate.dint know of any other way of storing sponge cakes,yet the fridge always dissapointed.cudos!

Simone Haruko Smith (author) from San Francisco on March 14, 2012:

Hi Angela! What I recommend is keeping them in a cool place- possibly a cellar or a dark cabinet- until they're ready to be served. If they have icing that starts to run, though, and it's getting so hot that they're still getting ruined even in the coolest spots in your house, then consider putting them into a cooler that has some ice in it, but is not actively blowing around cool air.

angela on February 29, 2012:

I have a Tea garden I serve drinks and cakes from a summer house in the garden on a very hot day will my cakes go soggy can I put them in A cool fridge if so at what temperture. Many Thanks Angela

Simone Haruko Smith (author) from San Francisco on February 23, 2012:

kayyluh, I am very glad to hear that there will be no future refrigerated cakes in your life!

kayyluh on February 19, 2012:

Great hub Simone! I really enjoyed reading it, I have learned my lesson from putting cake into the fridge! I will deifinitly have to buy some air tight containers next time. Thanks for sharing this with us! Keep up the good work :)voted up and useful:)

Simone Haruko Smith (author) from San Francisco on February 15, 2012:

I'm happy to do anything I can to spare perfectly good cakes from the terrible doom that is refrigeration, ratnaveera!

ratnaveera from Cumbum on February 14, 2012:

Many people may think that refrigerators can be used to store cakes. I have learned from this article storing at room temperatures at airtight would only work good for cakes. Thanks a lot Simone Smith for sharing this Great information!

Simone Haruko Smith (author) from San Francisco on November 11, 2011:

Alas, the cupcakes featured in this article are not mine! All the ones I decorated back in my cupcake shop days were not photographed. Which I really regret now!

That's a VERY smart trick with freezing cakes! The icing is typically the one thing that doesn't survive the process, so it makes perfect sense to just glaze it and then re-ice after thawing. Thanks for sharing that one!

frogyfish from Central United States of America on November 10, 2011:

Great info here, and your cupcakes are just BEAUTIFUL - all so bright and colorful! I did not know about not refrigerating cakes...did know not to refrig bread. However when I freeze a cake I put on a glaze frosting to cover, then a decorative frosting after it has been thawed. Comes out perfect that way. Thanks for sharing info!

Silver Poet from the computer of a midwestern American writer on October 04, 2011:

So THAT'S what was wrong with my cake! Thank you!

Simone Haruko Smith (author) from San Francisco on September 16, 2011:

Refrigeration is one of the least recognized addictions, but it exists nonetheless!

And wow!!! I hope the cake comes out perfect, Satu!!

Satu on September 14, 2011:

Thanks for this post! I'm making a wedding cake of three sponge layers and didn't want to do it all on the same day in case I had to re-do something or I made a mess torting the layers. This helped so much, and there is now a sponge cake in a cake tin waiting for Saturday. :)

dfh financial solutions on September 04, 2011:

Oh how interesting, Peggy W! I did not realize that more people refrigerated bread, as well. Well, I'm glad you're considering a chance in that line of food storage- though I certainly understand your original line of reasoning. I'm honestly tempted to store nearly EVERYTHING in my fridge.

Simone Haruko Smith (author) from San Francisco on May 16, 2011:

Thanks y'all! Hope you got to bake something delicious, RTalloni!

htodd from United States on May 15, 2011:

Great post!

RTalloni on May 13, 2011:

Terrific hub. Love the "Bake Fresh and Eat" instructions. I may have just enough time this afternoon... bye for now!

Simone Haruko Smith (author) from San Francisco on April 28, 2011:

Oh how interesting, Peggy W! I did not realize that more people refrigerated bread, as well. Well, I'm glad you're considering a chance in that line of food storage- though I certainly understand your original line of reasoning. I'm honestly tempted to store nearly EVERYTHING in my fridge.

And I'm glad to hear cake doesn't last long in your house, SilverGenes- that's always a good sign!

Yikes, dearabbysmom! I hope those are all cheesecakes that bakery is refrigerating... I'm glad you're leaving those leftovers out :D

And thanks for making the switch, KoffeeKlatch Gals! On behalf of all sponge cakes, I thank you.

Susan Hazelton from Sunny Florida on April 28, 2011:

Simone, I, up to now have stored cakes in the fridge. I won't anymore. Air-tight plastic storage from now on. Love the rainbow cake.

dearabbysmom from Indiana on April 28, 2011:

A local bakery keeps their cakes in the fridge. I had noticed that the leftovers tasted better a day or two later, after sitting out on the counter. Now I know why!

How Should I Store Cake After Decorating It


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