
How To Make A Roller Ball Edens Garden

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A few years ago, my mother-in-law, Queen Hippie, got me started on essential oils. I had already heard about lavender and peppermint oils but I really didn't know anything else about them. She's the one who taught me about proper dilution and you don't just put them directly on your skin. (Shame on me for not learning that beforehand. I wasted so much money on non-diluted oils!)

Essential oils are amazing, but having rollerballs is even better! Take them with you and you have a pre-made, already diluted essential oil wherever you go., how to make essential oil roller bottles

It was my mother-in-law who got me a first aid essential oil starter kit for Christmas. I had never thought that essential oils would be able to help boost your immune system or even knock out a cold. I was very lucky that she got that for me on Christmas.

All four of the people in my family at the time got a really nasty cold on Christmas Day. It was absolutely miserable Christmas for us. However it was at that point in time when my mother-in-law taught me about four thieves oil.

We mix it with some oregano oil and diluted it and we used it on all of our feet 6 times a day. And sure enough it really did help. It wasn't two days and the cold was completely gone from all four of us! I really do believe that it helped all of us fight the gross cold and get better faster. Now we use essential oils (along with a few other things) to keep us healthy and to help us fight colds.

Now we know that we can also use essential oils in a diffuser to help with colds as well as boosting your mood, helping you focus, and many other things!

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It was after that when I started looking into essential oils for not just everyday use, but also for extraordinary circumstances.

At the time I was pregnant with our third child. I had already started using essential oils during my pregnancy in lieu of taking medicine and I had AMAZING results. I wanted to know if I could find some oils to help me during labor. Both of my previous labors have been really difficult for me. But the worst part of it all was that I had back labor for the entire time I was in labor.

For those of you who don't know anything about back labor, you are very lucky! It's something about the position of the baby that puts pressure, instead of in the front where it should be, in your back. It feels like basically your hips are being pushed apart by a vice grip. In my case, I have back labor because of a tilted uterus. It's horrible. And there's really nothing you can do.

Back to my point: I went out and got as many essential oils as my beloved Pinterest could recommend for labor. And while this labor went by pretty quickly (only 10 hours, so not too bad at all), I was so glad I had them all!

I used my headache blend almost daily in the third trimester. I used my Muscle Relief all the time for any sore muscles that I had (there were a LOT of them). And for my night sickness (forget morning sickness… mine came at 10pm!), I used peppermint and ginger.

It really opened my eyes to how great essential oils can be!

I absolutely love to use rollerballs for essential oils. They're right there and already diluted, when you need them. Plus, a lot of essential oils have very specific spots where you need to apply them for maximum effectiveness. It's much easier to have the rollerball handy rather than trying to mix in your hands and apply to one specific spot… without getting oil all over the rest of your face.

With that in mind, here's a step-by-step guide on how to make essential oil roller bottles.

What you'll need:

  • 10 mL roller bottles(I like these)
  • Carrier oil (I like this one)
  • Plastic droppers or pipettes (these really help make sure that you don't make a huge mess and that you get all of your expensive essential oil into the bottle. If you don't have these, just try using a clean eye dropper or a child's medicine syringe. It's just coconut oil so it'll wash out without a problem or risking any exposure of your child to anything harmful.)
  • And, obviously, essential oils!

Rollerbottle EO guide 1

Super easy steps for these "recipes":

1.  Add drops of essential oils

Rollerbottle EO guide 2

2. Add carrier oil(I used fractionated coconut oil)

Rollerbottle EO guide 3

3. Put little roller on TIGHT

Rollerbottle EO guide 4

4. Take with you every where!

Rollerbottle EO guide 5

Allergy blend:

  • 5 drops lavender
  • 5 drops lemon
  • 5 drops peppermint

Headache blend:

  • 5 drops lavender
  • 5 drops peppermint
  • 5 drops frankincense

Calm down blend:

  • 3 drops Balance (definitely worth the splurge purchase on this one!)
  • 3 drops lavender

Tummy trouble blend:

  • 5 drops peppermint
  • 5 drops ginger

"Liquid Morphine" blend:

  • 10 drops marjoram
  • 10 drops frankincense
  • 10 drops lemongrass

Focus blend:

  • 10 drops wild orange
  • 10 drops peppermint

Fight the flu blend:

  • 10 drops oregano
  • 18 drops lemon
  • 15 drops melaleuca (or tea tree oil)
  • 15 drops OnGuard (or this substitute)

Anti-anxiety blend:

  • 15 drops wild orange
  • 20 drops bergamot
  • 15 drops lemon

Congestion blend:

  • 5 drops Breathe (or this substitute)
  • 5 drops eucalyptus

There are also a few non-blended recipes that I love to use too in rollerball form.


  • 5 drops Head Ease (compare it to this)

Sleepy Time:

  • 5 drops Good Night (compare it to this)

Nausea (or appetite control):

  • 5 drops peppermint

Muscle aches and pains:

  • 5 drops Muscle Relief (compare it to this)

Eden's Garden is a personal favorite of mine. Primarily because I don't need to get out a second mortgage on essential oils only to find out I don't like the way a blend smells.

Not a big rollerball fan?  There's always diffusing to try! READ MORE about it here.

Hope these work for you as well as they have for my family!

Essential oils are amazing, but having rollerballs is even better! Take them with you and you have a pre-made, already diluted essential oil wherever you go.

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Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. The FDA has never acknowledged the benefits of essential oils and does not recommend their use instead of taking medications. There are many resources out there to help you decide if essential oils are right for you. I love them! But they can not be recommended for use instead of actual medications.

How To Make A Roller Ball Edens Garden


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